If you find yourself missing some of your items, be it from purchasing them recently or from obtaining them through a transaction, this is most likely caused by a delay or a problem on our end. Please wait 24-48 hours before submitting a ticket, since most of these problems tend to resolve themselves within a day.

In addition, you may be missing items if you listed them in Orbital Outlet. If you’re missing a set, it is also possible that you sold one item from a part of that set.

If 24-48 hours pass and you find you’re still missing your items, please try clearing your cookies/cache to see if the issue gets resolved that way. If the issue continues once you have done this, please submit a ticket to us at the Everskies Help Center.

If you submit a ticket, be sure to include what device and browser you are using, and how long your currency has been missing in days. Once your ticket has been submitted, we’ll troubleshoot the issue and look for all possible ways to resolve the problem.